Craft kit - needle felt a jointed teddy bear



This is a kit that I have created which contains everything you need to make you very own, very cute jointed teeny teddy. I have made a brown teddy but you can choose what colour you would like to make. I wouldn't recommend a needle felting kit for anyone under 10 years of age. This is a fiddly project but as it is small it doesn't take too long.

What's included in the price?

The kit comes in a small postal box inside of which is some British wool fibre, 2 x 36 Gauge needle felting needles, a foam block, and an instruction booklet with a step by step guide with images for making your teddy bear. Price includes UK P&P




Ruth Packham

with Craft Courses since 2017

Message the maker

I am an artist/maker based in West Wales. I trained as a fine artist many years ago. I have a passion for working with textiles and currently use British wool fibre and felt making techniques. I have been teaching for over 20 years covering a wide range of creative activities to a wide range of groups from young children to elderly care home residents, in schools, WI groups, art centres and galleries in the UK and Europe. I have developed a range of needle felting kits.

Suitable for

  • Adults
  • Seniors
  • Teenagers
  • Wheelchair users
  • Hearing impaired
  • Suitable for all abilities
  • Suitable for beginners
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